Spooky Season: Halloween Safety Tips

Spooky Season: Halloween Safety Tips

Spooky Season: Halloween Safety Tips

On Halloween, an evening when millions of Americans wear costumes, run around in the dark, willingly take candy from strangers and try to scare themselves silly, well, a lot can go wrong. Here are some not-so-spooky suggestions to keep you and your kids safe this Halloween.

Halloween home safety: Don't let young children carve pumpkins, and use candles and other decorations appropriately. On Halloween night, make sure your home is well lit and your walkways are clear.

Travel in packs: Even if they're older, don't let kids go out alone on Halloween night. Insist that they travel in groups of at least three, and with an adult if necessary.

Have a plan: If your kids are old enough to go out on their own, make sure you know where they're headed and when you can expect them to be home. Let them know that it's not OK to change the plan without notifying you first.

Check the weather: No self-respecting Halloween lover likes to wear a coat over their costume; but sometimes it must be done.

Avoid common costume hazards: Masks or clothing that makes it difficult to walk or see; colored contact lenses, makeup, wigs and other dressing-up accessories can pose a wide variety health and safety risks. At least a few days before the big day, test out your costume for tripping or safety hazards, allergic reactions, and other unforeseen issues.

Protect your eyes: Buying colored contact lenses from anyone other than a medical professional could result in eye injury, infection, blindness or other serious problems. If you must use decorative lenses, never buy them from any vendor who doesn't require a prescription.

Inspect the goods: Halloween treats can be unsafe, and not just because they've been tampered with. Always inspect Halloween treats and toys for choking hazards, compromised packaging, or potential allergens. If it looks or smells funny, throw it out.

Have a nice Halloween!